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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Normal Shedding?

I've been using a Semogue 1250 for about 4 months and have noticed that it's been shedding 2 or 3 hairs every other shave for a month now. Before then it would lose a hair every once in a while, but nothing this consistent. The hairs that shed are all individual (no clumps) and the knot is not separating from the handle. I combed it last week and 4 hairs came out which I thought would fix this, but a couple came out this morning. I was wondering if this was normal or if the brush is bad? The only other boar brush I've used is a Van der Hagen which shed also.

As far as my use of the brush I soak it in warm water while I shower, but not up to the knot. I face lather with soaps and rinse after each use making sure not to get too much water in the knot. I store it on a stand on the bathroom counter.

Normal Shedding?

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