عيد مبارك سعيد

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كل عام و انتم سعداء اتقياء
بقلوب بيضاء
و وجوه مشرقة مبتسمة
كل عام و انتم امنين مطمئنين
كل عام و الفرح يعم حياتكم و العافية تغلف اجسادكم
كل عام و انتم بخير
تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال
اللهم آمين

هنئ اصدقائك بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
قم بكتابة اسمك وقم بمشاركة الرسالة مع اصدقائك

lundi 8 septembre 2014

Newbie to DE shaving, routine posted for feedback.

Hi, I'm a college student who has recently just got my first DE shaving kit: Baili DE razor, a packet of DE Shark blades, Arko shaving stick, a boar brush (which came alongside with the shaving stick), generic facial cleanser and generic aftershave. My routine goes as follows:

wash hands with generic bar of soap (cold water), fill a sink with hot water and cool it down so skin perforation doesn't occur, place DE razor in sink and leave it there while I continue with the rest of my routine, dip Boar Brush in warm water and dab it numerous times on my face and neck, remove DE from sink so my facial cleanser doesn't contaminate it, apply facial cleanser and rinse with warm water excessively, dip top half of Arko shave stick and rub over my face and neck, lather the residue of shave stick on my face with warmed Boar Brush, commence first pass WTG (I'm used to cartridge shaving so pressure at the moment is a minor issue for me) relatively quickly with minimal pressure, rinse off lather excessively with water in sink, reapply lather and commence second pass ATG with as little pressure as possible as this can get a little painful for my newbie DE skin (I don't rinse my razor as often as you see other guys do as this makes it take longer, and as I'm in college I'm slightly pressed for time), rinse off lather with warm water, reapply lather in any spots I might of missed going ATG, rinse off touch-up, splash cold water onto face and neck numerous times, pat face dry with a towel, apply aftershave to face and neck with gentle circular motions (I do that for everything; cleanser, shave stick, lather etc.), proceed to clean razor and brush which is a different routine entirely.

What do you guys think of my routine? Any improvements I could make? Any equipment that you recommend?

Newbie to DE shaving, routine posted for feedback.

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