I posted this in the DE forum, I decided to post it here since one of the members stated that 1912 would be his choice.
If you could only have one razor, what razor would that be?
What would be your two runner ups?
What other razors have you tried, what didn't make the cut?
What kind of beard to you have? light, medium, medium-thick, heavy-coarse?
What kind of skin do you have? young, sensitive, medium, thick?
How long have you been shaving with a DE/SE?
I'm new to DE and I'm a one brush, one soap kind of guy and I want this to be a resource for those of us who might like to focus on one razor. (btw, my brush is an Omega Pro boar, my soap is Mikes Natural unscented).
If you could only have one razor, what razor would that be?
What would be your two runner ups?
What other razors have you tried, what didn't make the cut?
What kind of beard to you have? light, medium, medium-thick, heavy-coarse?
What kind of skin do you have? young, sensitive, medium, thick?
How long have you been shaving with a DE/SE?
I'm new to DE and I'm a one brush, one soap kind of guy and I want this to be a resource for those of us who might like to focus on one razor. (btw, my brush is an Omega Pro boar, my soap is Mikes Natural unscented).
If You Could Only Have One