As some know, I'm new to DE shaving. I first purchased a Weishi 9306. But after using it a couple times, I realized that I needed something just a little more aggressive. The Weishi was so mild, that I couldn't feel anything at all while shaving, so I felt that I wouldn't be able to properly learn a good technique. I felt I needed something that gave me some kind of feedback, whether audible or being able to feel it cutting. I purchased a RazoRock Mission, which is still mild, but gives feedback, plus is a bit more aggressive. I could tell my first pass was a lot better than with the Weishi. I did three passes and had a DFS. With the Weishi, I had to do three passes, plus a partial fourth to touch ups. I would have had a BBS, but I have trouble getting it all off my neck, so there is still some stubble (and it is a bit irritated), but not as much as I had with the Weishi. I did knick myself once, but didn't even feel it. I just realized cuz I seen some blood in one little spot in the lather on the side of my chin. But over-all, it was a MUCH better shave than any with the Weishi.
Had my best shave tonight.