عيد مبارك سعيد

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قم بكتابة اسمك وقم بمشاركة الرسالة مع اصدقائك

mardi 9 septembre 2014

Beginners Luck

So a little background, I started wet shaving about 2 months ago now, when I went on active duty again for the USMC. Best decision I've made when it comes to shaving. I loved the idea of straight razor shaving and bought a good one. I had it honed and shave ready, but it just wasn't giving me a comfortable shave. I tried it for about two months so that I could get my technique down, but it just wasn't right for whatever reason. So last week I bought an Edwin Jagger 86.

I started using it last week and my first blade was a Gillette 7oclock. It worked so great that I had wondered why anybody would ever shave any other way. I also wondered what the fuss was about when it came to choosing the "right" blade. I naively thought that if my first blade was this good, all of them must be.... and I was dead wrong.

Today I shaved with a Bic Chrome Platinum (that may not be the actual name but it's what the blade said). I'm sure that if I would have shaved with broken glass it would have been more comfortable. So to end this rant, thanks for all of the information that everybody posts on here. I hope that tomorrow's blade gets better, I'm going to try out a Feather that came in my sample pack. Happy Shaving.

Beginners Luck

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