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vendredi 1 août 2014

Hello everyone

Hi all! I'm new to the forum here. I've been wet shaving with a double edge Gillette safety razor (it was my granddad's) for several years now. I shave my head, and up until recently I never put much more thought into shaving than going to the local drug store and buying blades and soap. However, when I moved from one city to another, I found that the blades which had been so readily available (Gillette platinum) to me in one city were not carried at any of the local stores in the other. I had no idea that a blade's not just a blade, because the Gillette blades were nice and they were all I ever used. I knew no different. When I ran out, I just purchased some el cheapo Supermax blades in bulk. I can get a fair shave the first one or two times ...no cuts or anything, but lots of work and care to get a clean, smooth shave...they're not very good. A friend of mine laid a pack of Astra blades on me and those were nice.

This forum helped a lot with reviews of blades, which is why I joined up. I found a thread that took me to tryablade.com and I'm currently picking out some blades to try.

I'm also going to spring for some new soap too, as I've been using VDH delux (again, readily available at the market) with decent results, but I know I can do better.

Sorry this is a bit long winded. I'm glad to be here and I look forward to sharing. :001_cool:

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