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lundi 2 juin 2014

Complete DE/Wet Shave noob and I have a question.

I recently picked up a Merkur long handle, a pack of Merkur blades, a badger brush and bowl of Poraso. Everything has arrived but the Poraso. I couldn't wait to try my first DE shave so this morning I used Barbasol from the can and my new razor. It did pretty well and I really liked the shave.

Surprisingly, I didn't cut myself at all! :laugh:

My question is in regards to using a cup/tub and the brush. Is the soap separate from the cup and you mix it together in the cup or what? How would you use a product like Arko? I've seen quite a bit of people posting that Arko is top notch so I will probably pick up a stick to try it out but how does that work? Would you just break off a piece of the stick and then add water to the cup and mix it with the brush?

Sorry for the newbie questions but I really want to make sure I'm using the brush and soaps/creams properly!

Thanks gents!

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