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jeudi 8 mai 2014

Theory: Gillette Extra Bleue = Gillette 7 o'clock SuperStainless

I've read here and there that these blades are the same.

We have no way of knowing for sure, but they do come from the same factory and those who have tried them report almost identical experiences. Has anyone experienced both, to weigh in on whether it could be true?

For confirmation, I refer to the Gillette Bleue in the cardboard box which are currently on sale everywhere in France for 1.50-2.00€ (and maybe in Belgium but nowhere else it seems). And the SuperStainless are the ones in the green box but NOT the ones made in India called "Gillette 7 o'clock Permasharp".

Why do I ask a fairly arcane question like this? I really love the Bleue Extra and if the SuperStainless are the same or very close then I will pick up 100 of them for $14 on Amazon.

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