عيد مبارك سعيد

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jeudi 8 mai 2014

Narrowing It Down

Blade samplers have come and gone. A pack here, a pack there, pick a pack, any pack. I see no reason to have more(other than what the pesky AD dude living in my brain is telling me) so I have narrowed my blades of choice down to 4 and they are everyone's go to blades here in the B&B(mostly). These great blades will remain in my rotation until kingdom come. Your task is to add a 5th blade to my 4 blade loves. Tell me/us why your choice for the 5th is the missing one.

1. Persona Med Preps

2. Polsilver

3. Astra SP

4. Gillette Silver Blues


P.S. I know you feel compelled to put Feathers as number 5. Please resist the temptation and dig deep.

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