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jeudi 8 mai 2014

For Sale or Trade, Two Whipped Dog Silvertips, one 30MM

Excuse the poor cell phone pictures, but these are beautiful brushes.

The Butterscotch is a 30 MM set extra deep for more backbone.

The smaller brush has a firehouse pottery handle, a green with shiny flecks.

The Butterscotch 30 MM has been used less than ten times.

The smaller brush maybe 30 times. It is an occasional shedder.

I have concluded that I enjoy boar brushes more, so am letting these two go.

I want $45 for the Butterscotch 30MM and $25 for the smaller brush.

Items I am interested in trading for:

SOC or Cerda brush

Razorock soaps, especially the ones with Argan oil

Other Semogue or Omega brushes possibly, just not an Omega 48 or 49. I have that covered already.

Tabac, especially in the wooden bowl.

Prices include shipping, CONUS only, sorry.

Paypal only.

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