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vendredi 9 mai 2014

Generation 3 and V1 love.

5-9-2014 9-54-43 AM.jpg____21mm_classic2.jpg

Much has been written about the Muhle Silvertip Fibres (STF) V2 series of brushes. In Gary Carrington's excellent work to define the "Generations" of synthetic fibers, they are classified as a true Generation 4 synthetic fibers. They have characteristics that make them highly talked about as "state of the art", and highly sought after by shaving enthusiasts.

However, some of us, including Gary and I, have a special affection for Generation 3 brushes. Two stellar examples are the Muhle 25mm and 21mm STF series shown above. They have characteristics somewhat like high quality 2-band badger brushes. Both produce mounds of high quality later, and are nearly unparalleled in performance for both face and bowl lathering. The 25mm brush may be among the best brushes for head shaving brush on today's market.

I use both brushes on a regular basis, and wouldn't be without them. Recently, I've been using them with Synergy/RaxoRock "The Beach" shave soap for an extra fun shave. I can't recall nicer combinations of soap and brush.

Another non-Gen 4 brush I love is the Kent Infinity Silvertex brush. Its Generation 3.5 fiber knot gives great backbone and scrubbiness not found in any other 22mm knot that I've found. Another favorite.

Are there any other fans of non-Generation 4 knots out there? What brushes are you using?



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