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lundi 28 avril 2014

Tsuboman Atoma Paper

I just received some Tsuboman Atoma 1200 "Paper" from Tools From Japan (Stuart did another great job), and thought my home-made nagura mod might be of interest to some. The stuff is made on a thin self-adhesive nickle-plated copper foil that can be cut with scissors or a knife. It was intended I believe, to be able to to lap unique shapes by conforming to them.

I had the idea to stick a small posteage stamp sized piece on the back of a small piece of JNat nagura for travel or just plain convenience.

The attached image shows the nagura in the inset, and it's one that matches up well with a number of stones I have. So I cut a small piece of the Atoma paper and stuck it to the back, so I now have a two-fer. A versatile JNat nagura on one side and a piece of Atoma on the other for a pure toishi slurry.

One notable thing, the 1200 paper seems significantly smoother or less aggressive than a new 1200 Atoma plate. Go figure.

Cheers, Steve

Attached Images

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