Greetings all,
I am sorta new so if I'm im the wrong spot I beg ur pardon.
I've a question related to A/S Balms, I'm experimenting with my own blends, I have several awesome essential oils and Lanolin of the Hydrous and Anhydrous designation ( ultimately the same), mineral oils, castor oil, witch hazel, stearic acid and on and on ad nauseum. So, what has prompted me on this crazy path was the samples of Primalan and Dolerma from Fendrihan. I really like the smell of both but the Primalan is exceptional. I haven't had any other smellgood 'cept the Dark Obsession Balm, THAT stuff is wicked nice smelling but costly so I save it. Davidoff Cool Water is nice but strong and has its place only at times.
Anyway, with the prices of pre-made balms and such stuff online, the shipping costs and my wee pension (disability BTW) I have the non-conformist attitude of making my own, lol, so I now have several base ingredients to make all sorts of smellgood.
So what I'm wondering here is; would any of you "Fine Fellows Of The Blade" happen to have an inkling of just what the heck makes Primalan smell like it does? Maybe it's a combination, maybe its a proprietary ingredient.
Anyone have any ideas?
I tell ya if I get it close enuff I'd be happy to spread it along to responders and such.
I am sorta new so if I'm im the wrong spot I beg ur pardon.
I've a question related to A/S Balms, I'm experimenting with my own blends, I have several awesome essential oils and Lanolin of the Hydrous and Anhydrous designation ( ultimately the same), mineral oils, castor oil, witch hazel, stearic acid and on and on ad nauseum. So, what has prompted me on this crazy path was the samples of Primalan and Dolerma from Fendrihan. I really like the smell of both but the Primalan is exceptional. I haven't had any other smellgood 'cept the Dark Obsession Balm, THAT stuff is wicked nice smelling but costly so I save it. Davidoff Cool Water is nice but strong and has its place only at times.
Anyway, with the prices of pre-made balms and such stuff online, the shipping costs and my wee pension (disability BTW) I have the non-conformist attitude of making my own, lol, so I now have several base ingredients to make all sorts of smellgood.
So what I'm wondering here is; would any of you "Fine Fellows Of The Blade" happen to have an inkling of just what the heck makes Primalan smell like it does? Maybe it's a combination, maybe its a proprietary ingredient.
Anyone have any ideas?
I tell ya if I get it close enuff I'd be happy to spread it along to responders and such.