عيد مبارك سعيد

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lundi 28 avril 2014

Recommend Me A Razor

Been shaving on and off for the past 25 years with a straight when I had the time. I've been laid off for the past few months and it has been my everyday shaver but looking for something alittle easier for when I go back to work besides the M3. Been looking locally but haven't side hide nor hair of an old drop top in the local stores so I'll either be hitting the local BST, da bay or new.

I like an aggressive tool and have been considering a slant to start with. I know, abit to advanced... The way I see it I started on my own without help with a straight before the interweb and my throat ain't cut yet so I might as well jump in thr deep end. Open to all options at this point, as long as it aint a BIC Disposable or a hospital razor.:angry:

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