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lundi 28 avril 2014

New to the postion.

Hello gents...

I've been given the great honor of being the new steward in the great straight razor forums. I will be as helpful as I can, and no one hesitate to PM me if you have questions, ideas, etc..

I'll give you a brief rundown on my straight history... quite a while back now, back in October of 2012, I won a straight razor PIF from Wid, and that started me out on my straight shaving journey. I had a false start, after about 25 shaves or so, and put it up for many months. Reading some others beginning straight journals inspired me to pick it back up and keep plugging along. I now have just over 300 shaves with a combination of straights and shavettes under my belt, and have mostly mastered my touch. Very rewarding place to get to, even with the ups and downs the journey sometimes has.

I have recently started doing honing on a small jnat setup I picked up from Rockviper, along with a Norton 220/1k and lapping stone from lmarkow. Mejiro and tomo only stones, but I seem to be doing pretty good with those, I can go from letter opener off of ebay to comfy shave with that setup, and get at least 3 shaves from the edge without going back to stones (probably more, just haven't had the edge on the blade long enough to test full longevity yet).

So, there's my brief rundown. I'll finish with I'm happy to be here. B&B and it's super great membership has done so much for me since I joined, I'm looking forward to helping give back.

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