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lundi 28 avril 2014

New Behmor 1600 "Plus" roaster

Looks like Mr. Behm is offering an updated version of his roaster with manual controls and some environmental temperature probes. The upgrade could be of interest to those of us who have this roaster. Announcement made at SCAA and posted about on CoffeeGeek:

New Behmor 1600 Plus


It looks exactly like the normal 1600 but with a manual mode in addition to the auto mode it currently has.

Basically, choosing the manual mode, you can change the power level from 100% to 75 or 50 or 25 anytime during the roast, and change as often as you like. There are two temperature readouts, one for the chamber wall and one for the exhaust area. Drum speed can be toggled from 8 to 16 rpm. Joe said that a new motor will allow 32 rpm.

The control panel will be available for upgrades soon, so those with a current 1600 don't have to buy a new roaster. Joe hopes to keep the cost down, I believe below $100, maybe below $75.


Oh, the Brazen also gets some new innards to eliminate the valve glitches. It will also be called Brazen Plus.

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