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lundi 28 avril 2014

In the news today, a man apparently exploded into a mist of "Old Spice"

A local man spontaneously com-busted into what one onlooker stated was a "Awesome smelling cloud of Old Spice" on what is known in the wet-shaving community as "Old Spice Monday", where patrons of the art of "Old time shaving" will apparently lather on Old Spice products.

We have a statement from the spouse of the "Old Spice aficionado"

"He was real excited, he had just gotten some 'vintage Old Spice from Shulton', or something like that. I never could understand what he was talking about as far as aftershaves and shaving. I used to tell him all the time that he smelled like an old man."

While Detectives are still investigating what is being deemed as a case of Old Spice Spontaneous Combustion, it appears the victim used a combination Old Spice body-wash (classic), Stirling Spice Shave Soap, Shulton After Shave and then Shulton Cologne. Apparently he styled his hair with the Old Spice 'Spiffy' Pomade, said good bye to his wife, and exploded.

He is survived by the widow, two children, a Gibson Les Paul and his shave shelf.

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