Howdy everyone! I'm John from TX and am new to the boards. I have recently started wet shaving proper and have been enjoying this journey of educating myself on the myriad of products that are out there now for shaving. I got my first taste of DE shaving nearly 30 yrs ago with a brass DE razor my grandmother had (undoubtedly that belonged to my grandfather...I wish I still had them :bored:) and mangled my face HORRIBLY. Then I bought my first brush and soap cake in the early 90s (an Ever-Ready boar brush), but never did the twain meet. I then started using a Personna shavette mainly for shaping my goatee and beard, but graduated to face, neck, and even head shaving but still using the canned gunk.
I'm not sure what got me wanting to try wet shaving with a proper brush, razor, and quality soap a couple months ago but I took the plunge and haven't looked back. Maybe it was the sense of history and nostalgia that I've come to appreciate that I've gotten older. Maybe because I appreciate all things that are gentlemanly and suave. Whatever the case, I look forward to learning a lot from all the knowledgeable folks on the board and maybe even shave a pearl or two I pick up along the way. Happy shaving fellas! :thumbup:
I'm not sure what got me wanting to try wet shaving with a proper brush, razor, and quality soap a couple months ago but I took the plunge and haven't looked back. Maybe it was the sense of history and nostalgia that I've come to appreciate that I've gotten older. Maybe because I appreciate all things that are gentlemanly and suave. Whatever the case, I look forward to learning a lot from all the knowledgeable folks on the board and maybe even shave a pearl or two I pick up along the way. Happy shaving fellas! :thumbup: