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jeudi 19 octobre 2017

036 Gillette Slim, H3, circa 1962.


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Slim, H3,...

036 Gillette Slim, H3, circa 1962.

036 Gillette Slim, H3, circa 1962.

Does anyone else feel like a brand new man after

they give themselves a nice clean shave? Or just me?

Does anyone else feel like a brand new man after

120 Gillette Slim #2


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Slim #2...

120 Gillette Slim #2

120 Gillette Slim #2

003 Paladin Sherlock 26mm Somerset shave brush


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Paladin Shave Bush...

003 Paladin Sherlock 26mm Somerset shave brush

003 Paladin Sherlock 26mm Somerset shave brush

Cycling 2017

I'm going to post my cycling jaunts here, and I invite others to do the same, if desired. Perhaps we can encourage one another, enjoy shared scenic photos, and share experiences. If no one else joins in, that's OK with me. It will be a journal of my pedaling, if nothing else.

I typically ride with my son, who will be 25 in a few weeks. We ride rail trails in and around Pittsburgh. Western PA is quite hilly, but rail trails afford us gentle, if never ending, slopes, and terrific...

Cycling 2017

Cycling 2017

027 8/8 Wade & Butcher FBU with kilo of Cella and a Dubl-Duck brush


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a 8/8 Wade & Butcher FBU...

027 8/8 Wade & Butcher FBU with kilo of Cella and a Dubl-Duck brush

027 8/8 Wade & Butcher FBU with kilo of Cella and a Dubl-Duck brush

147 Gillette Tech Travel Razor and Shave Soap


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Tech Travel...

147 Gillette Tech Travel Razor and Shave Soap

147 Gillette Tech Travel Razor and Shave Soap

149 Rockwell Razor 6S with extras


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Rockwell Razor 6S with...

149 Rockwell Razor 6S with extras

149 Rockwell Razor 6S with extras

Tobacquisitions - October 2017

So, what will it be this month? Haunted Bookshop? Autumn Evening? Maybe a nice churchwarden in preparation for sitting the cold months out in a nice chair with a book. Whatever it is, lets see it all here!

Tobacquisitions - October 2017

What razor blade did you use today? How many days?

Rapira (1)

What razor blade did you use today? How many days?

177 Lunch with Ouch


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

Sue Moore touched the lives of many people here at B&B. She was with us from the beginning, helping to build the foundation of this online community. For those unaware, Sue was the owner and soap maker at Saint Charles Shave....

177 Lunch with Ouch

177 Lunch with Ouch

021 Van Der Hagen shaving soap


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Van Der Hagen shaving...

021 Van Der Hagen shaving soap

021 Van Der Hagen shaving soap

Newbie from Croatia checking in

Hello people,greetings from Croatia!
I am 40 year old and a 2.5month newbie in wet shaving.
I am also proud member of croatian wet shaving forum brijačnica.com .
Our forum is full of links to B&B so I asked myself why not to become a member myself.
I started with Wilkinson classic Derazor,and now I use Fatip Grande Testina Gentile.
I am currently in a phase of search a holy grail safety blade for my face,so after testing whole bunch of blades I hope I 'll know that answer in a year

Newbie from Croatia checking in

031 NOS Eversharp Fountain Pen & Pencil Set.


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a NOS Eversharp Fountain...

031 NOS Eversharp Fountain Pen & Pencil Set.

031 NOS Eversharp Fountain Pen & Pencil Set.

The Island of Misfit Guns

7 Amateur Gunsmith Fails that are just Horrible

The Island of Misfit Guns

How long should you use aftershave balms

I have a tube of Hugo Boss Pure that I got from my father after he passed away. That has been four years now and I don't know how long he had it before he passed away. I used it yesterday and it still smells good and I had no irritation or skin break out.

How long should you use aftershave balms

075 Shavemac D7


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Shavemac D7 which...

075 Shavemac D7

075 Shavemac D7

First straight razor shave

So, I just completed my first shave with "shave ready" straight razor.

It was given/traded to me by B&B member - his own words: "freshly honed to best of his ability". I have nothing to compare to at this point so I can't say how sharp this razor is comparing to other straights. I did the "arm hair" test before and felt that perhaps I had to cut hair on my arm a bit closer to the skin than recommended (probably a good thing for someone on his first attempt?)
Razor is "unknown" brand, and...

First straight razor shave

First straight razor shave

148 Gillette Safety Razors


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Safety...

148 Gillette Safety Razors

148 Gillette Safety Razors

Welcome, @Donny

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Donny

009 AR-15 Barrel Modern Shaving System


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Ar-15 Barrel Modern...

009 AR-15 Barrel Modern Shaving System

009 AR-15 Barrel Modern Shaving System

A Shaving Retrospective - One Man's View

I first started my journey into wet shaving (and joined this forum) a little over 5 years ago. My son had just been born and at the time I was an exhausted, frazzled new Dad. Tired of razor burn and shaving bumps, I bought the VdH shaving set off Amazon after doing some research. I used it with my cartridge razor for a few days before buying an Edwin Jagger razor. Almost immediately, what was initially intended to be a way to reduce shaving irritation turned into something else. Shaving was...

A Shaving Retrospective - One Man's View

A Shaving Retrospective - One Man's View

007 Durham Duplex Set


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Durham Duplex Set...

007 Durham Duplex Set

007 Durham Duplex Set

065 Razor MD Post Shave Lotion


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Razor MD which was...

065 Razor MD Post Shave Lotion

065 Razor MD Post Shave Lotion

Burt's Bees Bay Rum Balm - best thing since sliced bread?

Burt's Bees Bay Rum Balm has been on my shelf for 15 years... until they discontinued it around 2008.

I really believe that it's the best bay rum balm ever made and I've tried just about every available brand while trying to find a replacement.
Albrey's Spice Island Balm is the closest substitute that I've been able to find and it's about 90% there but, the scent fades too quickly.

I was wondering if anyone else tired Burt's and do you like it as much as I do?

I recently broke down...

Burt's Bees Bay Rum Balm - best thing since sliced bread?

Burt's Bees Bay Rum Balm - best thing since sliced bread?

050 Volabra - Fougere Shave Soap


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Shave Soap which...

050 Volabra - Fougere Shave Soap

050 Volabra - Fougere Shave Soap

Wow, is this how the "typical guy" shaves his face?

Randomly found this video, skip ahead to 2:00 if you want to save time

Is this how the typical guy actually shaves? And I'm not talking specifically about the razor or the gel, I'm talking about technique (if you want to call it that). I mean I'll give him credit for actually showering first and really trying to work the gel into his face but those razor swipes! Good Lord! Homie rips a 5 blade cart all around his face like he is beating it for...

Wow, is this how the "typical guy" shaves his face?

Wow, is this how the "typical guy" shaves his face?

47 Superspeed cogitation

I have been looking longingly at a 47 superspeed and it crossed my mind that it looks similar to a president and at a much better price point to boot in similar shape. What kind of heft do these razors have? Any one else ever thought the two have comparative lines minus the nicer handle on the president.

47 Superspeed cogitation

What Hair Products Did You Use Today?

It seems that all other sub forums have this topic. There has been so many people talking about pomades and other hair products, so I thought we could get a thread going. This way we can also see some new products.

Today I went back to groom and clean. It has been awhile. I forgot it kept my hair soft.

What Hair Products Did You Use Today?

Body Soap of the Day

Why not? There is one for everything else.

As one of our members astutely pointed out many of us don't rotate daily, so feel free to post your body soap of the week/month etc.

QCS Cordovan

Body Soap of the Day

Antique store find and question (with pictures!)

So I went downtown earlier today and went into a couple of antique stores, and found a NEW long comb.

Having been wanting a NEW long comb for a while I felt that the $10 they were asking was a steal.

Unfortunately I didnt take any before pics, the gold plating on the cap and handle was more or less a total loss so after my cleaning I just polished off what remained on those. I am pretty happy with the final result:...

Antique store find and question (with pictures!)

Antique store find and question (with pictures!)

Schick Type O is Being Produced Again

I bought a very rare NOS Schick Type O Injector razor (the last model in production) a couple of years ago and have been using it for the past few months. Recently, I have seen some threads mentioning a knock-off of the Type O that is available from eBarbershop. Out of curiosity, I bought one in order to compare it to my actual Type O. When it arrived, I was astonished to find that it is almost identical to my original. The build quality is virtually the same in every respect, as is the...

Schick Type O is Being Produced Again

Schick Type O is Being Produced Again

099 Android Rosetone Power Reserve Automatic Watch


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Android Rosetone Power...

099 Android Rosetone Power Reserve Automatic Watch

099 Android Rosetone Power Reserve Automatic Watch

Biotique Bio Palmyra - *DISCONTINUED*

Hi Everyone,

After a week of unsuccessfully scouting for the biotique bio palmyra here in India, I finally reached out to the company directly.

They confirmed that the product has officially been discontinued and removed from their product line up. I'm thoroughly disappointed. Yet another excellent product discontinued.

They now offer a shaving gel tube instead - BIO PALMYRA

So for all us Biotique bio palmyra tub fans,...

Biotique Bio Palmyra - *DISCONTINUED*

Biotique Bio Palmyra - *DISCONTINUED*

Massive aftershave PIF!

I have been on the receiving end of a PIF or two and have decided that it is time to do my share and contribute! Up for grabs are a bunch of aftershaves, some more used than others, that just don't see any action.
  • RR Zi'Peppino
  • Pashana
  • Country Club Southern Oud
  • Barbasol Pacific Rush
  • Old Spice Modern
  • Old Spice Modern Cologne
  • Old Spice Indian
  • Old Spice Indian Lime
  • Ogallala Buy Rum and Vanilla

Now, what makes this PIF a bit unique is that I am doubling...

Massive aftershave PIF!

Massive aftershave PIF!

062 Durham Dorset with New Old Stock Blades and Box


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Durham Dorset with New...

062 Durham Dorset with New Old Stock Blades and Box

062 Durham Dorset with New Old Stock Blades and Box

057 RazorGuard


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a RazorGuard which...

057 RazorGuard

057 RazorGuard

183 Apple Watch Series 1


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Apple Watch Series...

183 Apple Watch Series 1

183 Apple Watch Series 1

Lemonade/limeade discovery

My wife is very fond of making fresh squeezed lemonade and limeade. It's always delicious but this last time around it was absolutely amazing. I asked her what she did differently and apparently in addition to using sugar she also used honey to sweeten it. The honey gave it this little extra complexity. The only way I can really describe it is by comparing it to aftershave that starts out fresh and sweet and then finishes with a tiny bit of musk, haha. I just figured I'd pass this on for...

Lemonade/limeade discovery

Lemonade/limeade discovery

2017 Auction Discussion Thread - Post Comments/Questions Here

Post comments/questions here.

Only bids are allowed in the auction threads.

2017 Auction Discussion Thread - Post Comments/Questions Here

040 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #3 of 3


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a CO Bigelow Shaving...

040 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #3 of 3

040 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #3 of 3

160 Beehive Shave Soaps


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Beehive Shave Soaps...

160 Beehive Shave Soaps

160 Beehive Shave Soaps

039 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #2 of 3


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a CO Bigelow Shaving...

039 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #2 of 3

039 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #2 of 3

038 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #1 of 3


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a CO Bigelow Shaving...

038 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #1 of 3

038 CO Bigelow Shaving Cream #1 of 3

034 Boxed Merkur Futur and L'Occitane Savon Barbe Soap


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Boxed Merkur Futur and...

034 Boxed Merkur Futur and L'Occitane Savon Barbe Soap

034 Boxed Merkur Futur and L'Occitane Savon Barbe Soap

Stone Cottage - Think I got this figured out

I use a variety of soaps and creams but am lately leaning more towards creams. I ordered 5 samples from Stone Cottage; Sandalwood, Hesperide, Vanilla & Vetiver, Almond and Lavender. I have tried each of them a few times and just could not get them dialed in and was disappointed.

Never had an issue with the creams I usually use from Proraso (blue is my favorite) and TOBS (sandalwood, rose and grapefruit) plus a few more I have tried.

I would bowl lather SC creams, trying different amounts...

Stone Cottage - Think I got this figured out

Stone Cottage - Think I got this figured out

Fusion Pro-Glide vs Mach III (Again)

There are a lot of sources which state that the mach with 3 blades should be more gentle to your face than the fusion with 5. It makes sense to me that 5 blades going over the same area should cause more irritation than 3 would. But, I am not convinced that this is still true.

The Fusion, Pro-Glide, blades seem sharper to me than the older ones. I seem to get at least as comfortable a shave with then as with the Mach III blades and handles I have. I cannot say if the extra lube strip...

Fusion Pro-Glide vs Mach III (Again)

Fusion Pro-Glide vs Mach III (Again)

500 Post PIF

Hello all,

I'm not at 500 yet, but I will be soon, so I thought I'd give a little back to a lucky member of this wonderful forum.

Up for grabs is 50 grams of P. 160 chopped right off the block.

Everyone is eligible and I will close the PIF on the day of my 500th post and then randomly select a participant.


500 Post PIF

017 Victory Shaving Company Mission Kit - Pilot


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Victory Shaving Company...

017 Victory Shaving Company Mission Kit - Pilot

017 Victory Shaving Company Mission Kit - Pilot

015 Full Shaving Kit (inc. Razor, brush, stand, cream, blades)


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Full Shaving Kit (inc....

015 Full Shaving Kit (inc. Razor, brush, stand, cream, blades)

015 Full Shaving Kit (inc. Razor, brush, stand, cream, blades)

180 B&B Essentials Brush Set


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a B&B Essentials Brush...

180 B&B Essentials Brush Set

180 B&B Essentials Brush Set

Lamy Black to the rescue again

I know I don't get down here very often anymore, but I thought I would post another example of how Lamy Black made a pen usable. About 4 or 5 years ago, I bought a couple Noodler Ahabs and (I think) a Creaper. The Ahabs for me, the Creaper for the granddaughter. She picked Noodler's Tchaikovsky. I could never get the pens dialed in, even after much nib fiddling. I traded the Ahabs to someone who was sure he could get them going, but held on the Creaper, since it was bought for the...

Lamy Black to the rescue again

Lamy Black to the rescue again

Making Kimchi

I'm drowning in napa cabbage, so it's time to make Kimchi. Going to tackle it this weekend--both mak kimchi and pogi kimchi. Anyone else make kimchi? Any tips for a first timer (who is otherwise skilled in the arts of pickling, fermenting, etc.)?

Making Kimchi

What's Your Brush Today?

Rooney Heritage Victorian bowl lathering Cade Soap

What's Your Brush Today?

Should Your Highly Desirable Pen Be Used Or Never Used?

I once bought a limited edition fountain pen and while I was inspecting my pen at the pen store a passer by mentioned that he had bought the same type of pen as I just did. He asked me if I was going to be using my pen? My immediate knee jerk reaction to myself was of course I will be using it!? He said he will never be using his pen and judging by his gestures towards me he thought I was nuts to be inking up my pen. I regret not asking him at the time about why he won`t be using his pen...

Should Your Highly Desirable Pen Be Used Or Never Used?

Should Your Highly Desirable Pen Be Used Or Never Used?

What tin/jar are you cracking?

What're you cracking open for the first time?

Mine is some Savinelli Brunello from June 2014.

What tin/jar are you cracking?

164 Paladin® 26 mm Bazooka Cleo™ shaving brush with special engraving


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Paladin® 26 mm Bazooka...

164 Paladin® 26 mm Bazooka Cleo™ shaving brush with special engraving

164 Paladin® 26 mm Bazooka Cleo™ shaving brush with special engraving


Fun Fact: The elderberry(Sambucus nigra L.) has been used to treat and prevent influenza since the era of Hippocrates(5th century BCE).


141 EU Only - Aftershaves and one soap


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Aftershaves and one...

141 EU Only - Aftershaves and one soap

141 EU Only - Aftershaves and one soap

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! October 14 to October 21

:a50:Welcome to Badger & Blade! :a50:

If you are thinking about registering and need a nudge how bout this!

In continuing our weekly blade PIF we will give away a super awesome blade sampler to one newly registered member. To be eligible all you have to do is click here and register an account with us: Badger & Blade

After you have done that come back here and post "I'm in" to enter for your chance to win an awesome blade sampler that...

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! October 14 to October 21

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! October 14 to October 21

132 Gillette Black Handle Super Speed


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Black Handle...

132 Gillette Black Handle Super Speed

132 Gillette Black Handle Super Speed

137 Gillette Fat Handle Tech


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Fat Handle...

137 Gillette Fat Handle Tech

137 Gillette Fat Handle Tech

Is one pressure cooker better than another?

I'm looking to buy a pressure cooker, I know this is like asking which is the best truck to buy, and maybe the better question would be are there any pressure cookers to stay away from. I'm just need some of the master cooks here to give advise. So with hopes this doesn't start the pressure cooker war of 2013. Your thoughts are appreciated, Thanks .........JR:blink:

Is one pressure cooker better than another?

175 Backup battery for mobile devices


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Backup battery for...

175 Backup battery for mobile devices

175 Backup battery for mobile devices

019 1967 Gillette Slim Adjustable Safety Razor


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a 1967 Gillette Slim...

019 1967 Gillette Slim Adjustable Safety Razor

019 1967 Gillette Slim Adjustable Safety Razor

Welcome, @DUI76

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @DUI76

056 Vintage Wardonia Shave Kit


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Vintage Wardonia Shave...

056 Vintage Wardonia Shave Kit

056 Vintage Wardonia Shave Kit

RR Mamba vs Black Mamba

I just had my inaugural shave with the new Razorock Mamba. It is a fantastic razor and a terrific shave! As a huge fan of the original Black Mamba, i was very surprised to take this one out of the box and see how different it is from the original.

The finish is superb for a $50 razor! Shocked to see how shiny it is, as most of the other s/s RR razors are either coated or quite dull. The Black is UberGlide coated.

The handle is very nice and well balanced. The Black has an Icon...

RR Mamba vs Black Mamba

RR Mamba vs Black Mamba

Maggard's Tobacco & Leather splash

Used this for the first time this morning. Splashed it on exactly 12 hours ago, and I'm still smelling it. Really. Great skin toning and conditioning. Strong green tobacco scent at first, but after several minutes it settled into a mostly new leather scent, which is what I wanted. This one is a keeper. :thumbup1:

Maggard's Tobacco & Leather splash

What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

Morning Gentleman (well it is here in New Zealand)
I got given a random blend a mate roasted 5 days ago and I am drinking it black.
This morning I am using a swiss gold pourover in to a mug.
This blend not quite my thing and roast a bit questionable but it will give me a good kick start !!


What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

Accurately Measuring Blade Gap to the Nearest 0.01 Millimeter


  • Using a digital micrometer with a resolution of 0.001 mm, combinations of one to four metric feeler gauge blades were found and tabulated to create a guide for accurately measuring safety razor blade gap to the nearest 0.01 mm
  • The feeler gauge blades associated with the guide were generally found to be thicker than reported, resulting in feeler gauge blade combinations that are up to 0.04 mm thicker than would be expected from adding labeled blade thicknesses,...

Accurately Measuring Blade Gap to the Nearest 0.01 Millimeter

Accurately Measuring Blade Gap to the Nearest 0.01 Millimeter

New West Coast Shaving Silvertip Brush

In another thread I discussed my search for a replacement for a Duke 3 that was just too scratchy for me. Many folks suggested Shavemac and Thater brushes, and I was leaning that way when I received an email from West Coast Shaving. They have a new line of brushes and were offering both 20% off and a week to try out the brush. Given how much inconsistency I've found in brushes (same manufacturer, same model), I thought this was a great opportunity. So I bought a Silvertip Badger with...

New West Coast Shaving Silvertip Brush

New West Coast Shaving Silvertip Brush

What Aftershave did you use today?

I used Penhaligon's English Fern AS to celebrate St. Patricks Day.

What Aftershave did you use today?


Please feel free to add your acquisitions to this thread. Camera bodies, lenses, tripods, film, tickets to far-off photography destinations etc

I received a new lens in the post this week. Carl Zeiss Distagon 50/4 for my Hasselblad. I love shooting wide angle and I'm really looking forward to putting this one through it's paces.


What's new in your photo cabinet?


002 Paladin Winston 26mm Butterscotch shave brush


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Paladin shave brush...

002 Paladin Winston 26mm Butterscotch shave brush

002 Paladin Winston 26mm Butterscotch shave brush

Fragrance / Scent of the day.

Mont Blanc Individual

Fragrance / Scent of the day.

Green Irish tweed Deodorant

Hey guys! So I've been searching all over the place where I can find the creed green irish tweed deodorant to no avail. Do any of you guys maybe have a lea

Green Irish tweed Deodorant

041 Lather Up- A gentleman’s shaving and barbershop themed quilt


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Lather Up- A...

041 Lather Up- A gentleman’s shaving and barbershop themed quilt

041 Lather Up- A gentleman’s shaving and barbershop themed quilt

cherry tomato test

Question about the cherry tomato test. I've watched videos and looked around and have never had an answer to this question. When. Doing the tomato test, does the blade have to cut through by pushing straight into the tomato? Or can there be a slight slicing motion?

cherry tomato test

How to lather softer soaps?

Of late, I have been buying soaps (Stirling, Chiseled Face, etc) that are softer than the hard pucks I am accustomed to. How do you guys lather these? I've been loading my brush directly from the tub and then lathering in my mug. Should I scrape off a little piece and put it in the mug instead without loading? I'm just concerned that I'm gonna tear through these softer soaps too quick by doing something incorrectly/inefficiently.

How to lather softer soaps?

Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?

I was really interested in The Clubhouse thread "What was your workout today?" but much to my chagrin I didn't feel comfortable posting my "old fogie" workouts with all those "serious" workouts. So, What was your Old Fogie workout today?

I will start: 3 mile walk/20 push ups/50 sit ups.

Followed by two 12 ounce curls. :001_smile

Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?

051 Shave Cream


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Shave Cream which...

051 Shave Cream

051 Shave Cream

082 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #4


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Driftwood Chromexcel...

082 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #4

082 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #4

Aqua Velva Ice Sport

I usually use Proraso AS splashes only but I found a bottle of Aqua Velva Ice Sport that must be 15-20 years old, unopened, in the back of my bathroom closet recently. No idea where it came from, maybe I got it as a gift way back when. Decided to try it and I do like it alot. I am rotating it with the 2 Proraso splashes and really enjoying the scent. It does not last a long time, but nothing seems to last a long time on me.

Definitely going to keep using it.

Aqua Velva Ice Sport

Good, stiff brush recommendations.

Just looking for some recommendations on current hard/stiff/scrubby brushes out there. I do prefer face lathering. Probably something under the $150US price range. Any help would be much appreciated!

Good, stiff brush recommendations.

Heat Treating, Forging, Etc.

There was a recent discussion in another thread about heat treating and I thought it would be good to have a dedicated thread to the subject along with forging, etc. The subject does not have to be strictly razor related, but of course that is how we all got here.

OK, so the quick and dirty on heat treating carbon steel is that when the steel is heated above it's critical temperature (in excess of 1400 F depending on composition) the lattice structure changes from bcc (body centered cubic)...

Heat Treating, Forging, Etc.

Heat Treating, Forging, Etc.

Haslinger Schafmilch, Mitchell's Wool Fat and Combo Comparison

This is where I will post my musings as I compare these two soaps to a grated combination of the two. Anyone want to chime in on a name for the combo?

Haslinger Schafmilch, Mitchell's Wool Fat and Combo Comparison

Help me pick a Simpson

It's time for a little bit of indulgence! When I first started wet shaving, I looked at Simpson brushes and thought to myself, "I'll never be able to justify spending that." And as such, I made my way with some more modestly priced jobs.

I had a few Omega boars, a couple of whipped dogs, the required B&B Essential, and my favorite/ most expensive being the SOC boar.

So now that it's been a few years, I want an upgrade! Simpson is towards the top of the list, but I'm open to some other...

Help me pick a Simpson

Help me pick a Simpson

English Leather (by Dana) Aftershave

Like it?
Just ordered some for a walk down memory lane.
Used it as a teenager some 50 years ago.

English Leather (by Dana) Aftershave

Three winners get free stuff!

Near to our hearts is Our Cause

Share an experience you have had helping those less fortunate. There will be three winners selected by random.org.

First place will receive one of our lather bowls that is a "second" (finish not quite right) PLUS one of our soaps or creams of their choosing to go along with the lather bowl.

Second place will choose two of our aftershaves.

Third place will receive a full compliment of all samples...

Three winners get free stuff!

Three winners get free stuff!

Welcome, @chae

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @chae

Welcome, @Flyrod77

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Flyrod77

172 Massive 23 Blade DE Blade Sampler!


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Massive 23 Blade DE...

172 Massive 23 Blade DE Blade Sampler!

172 Massive 23 Blade DE Blade Sampler!

Welcome, @Sixty Bricks

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Sixty Bricks

Welcome, @dfndr

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @dfndr

020 Travel Kit


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Travel Kit which...

020 Travel Kit

020 Travel Kit

Welcome, @Big Nickita

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Big Nickita

Leather Scented Splash?

Just finished up L&L Cuir et Epices (Leather & Spices) soap, and am waitlisted for the matching AS splash. Waiting is not my strong suit. What other leathery splashes are out there? My ideal splash has glycerin or witch hazel, or both. Preferably without menthol. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :001_smile

Leather Scented Splash?

Introduction and gratitude


I've mainly signed up to offer my thanks to the members for all the great advice I have taken advantage of over the last few months. I may as well share my journey also.

I'm a big hairy aussie bloke that has never been able to shave properly. Over 42 years I have learned it's just something I am never going to be able to do. Or if absolutely necessary, just before special occasions once or twice a year. With the associated suffering from very nasty razor burn for the next few...

Introduction and gratitude

Introduction and gratitude

My Guess... 3017

Over the course of the last year I have been concentrating on using and finishing product. I have been going through aftershaves, colognes and shaving creams and sold off most of the excess. But the soaps... well, I just like them all and don't want to unload them. Over the last several months I have been using mainly Pre de Provence and C&E Sandalwood with an occasional SCS soap thrown in for good measure. ( 1 SCS I finished and have about 1/2 of another remaining.) Seriously, I have...

My Guess... 3017

My Guess... 3017

Suggestions for a modern open comb safety razor

I'd like to try a modern open comb safety razor but I don't know which one to buy. My favorite DE razor so far is Merkur 34c. My skin is sensitive so I'd like an efficient but forgiving razor. Any suggestions?

Suggestions for a modern open comb safety razor

134 Gillette Super Speed


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Gillette Super...

134 Gillette Super Speed

134 Gillette Super Speed

The MMA Thread

So I know that many of you here are into MMA in all its various forms so I thought it fitting that we have sort of a 'general MMA discussion' thread where we can discuss the subject in all its fistic glory. I know that the odd thread pops up concerning certain events but I wonder if would be better if we had sort of an ongoing discussion where we could banter about this stuff. Whether you watch UFC, WEC, Sengoku, Dream, Cage Rage, DEEP, Shooto, Strikeforce, Pride re-runs or are a...

The MMA Thread

The MMA Thread

Welcome, @SteveKubitz

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @SteveKubitz

Welcome, @hush

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @hush

Welcome, @Nhwetshaver

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Nhwetshaver

What Do You Think the Member Above You Does For Fun?

Title says it all.

What Do You Think the Member Above You Does For Fun?

Welcome, @Bingo_Bango

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Bingo_Bango

What pairs well with Tabac soap?

I know, the obvious answer is tabac AS.

I absolutely love the soap. I have yet to find something that works better for me. I do work in healthcare and admin is big on not having such strong scents on for the patients.

So, what goes well with tabac that is a bit more mild than tabac AS?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What pairs well with Tabac soap?

Welcome, @Candido

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Candido

R.I.P Hugh Hefner

He was 91.

R.I.P Hugh Hefner

Baker's Dozen - Music Edition

Looks like we've got a corruption edition, but no regular edition for this. So, let's do it.

1st Category: Story Telling Songs, post up your favorite song that tells a story.

1. Scenes from an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel

Baker's Dozen - Music Edition

Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

So my local Walgreens just started to carry Pinaud Lilac Vegetal. I have been wondering about it for some time and had really high hopes.
Unfortunately I really can't stand it. It smells like rotting vegetables to me. I have tried to use it a couple more times and added some orange eo just so I could bare it.
My prior go to was Old Spice Smooth Blast but none of the the stores around here carry it anymore.

Oh well. Lesson learned and dollar wasted.

Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

079 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #1


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Driftwood Chromexcel...

079 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #1

079 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #1

Fill in this blank: DMT1200, DMT 4000...

DMT 1200, DMT 4000, DMT 8000, _____________, Surgical black ark.

I don’t have running water in my man cave, so I’ve been putting together a “lapping free” honing progression. Any suggestions on a no/infrequently lapped hone to fill the gap in my progression?

Fill in this blank: DMT1200, DMT 4000...

081 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #3


Please join us for the 7th annual Auction in memory of our dear friend Sue Moore!

In continued celebration of Sue's life and to benefit the good work of The National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are proud to offer a Driftwood Chromexcel...

081 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #3

081 Popov Driftwood Chromexcel Leather Card Holder #3

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