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mercredi 30 août 2017

Nivea 2in1 Aftershave/Balm? Has to be a gimmick, right?

i was intrigued by this product after watching a fellow wet shaver, KeevyShaves on one of his YouTube shaving videos. He had nothing but good things to say about it and after pondering whether I should do more of a search for it, hook, line and sinker I had to try it. But to be honest, at first I chuckled to myself and questioned, "An aftershave and balm combo? That can't possibly work!" Yet, I said to meself "hey, sometimes you splash and balm with different products at times". You know...

Nivea 2in1 Aftershave/Balm? Has to be a gimmick, right?

Nivea 2in1 Aftershave/Balm? Has to be a gimmick, right?

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