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mercredi 28 juin 2017

Trying out Derby Extra with newly acquired razors

Day 1: Micro Touch One, B&M Velvet, Omega 10049

DFS right around the adam's apple, BBS elswhere. No nicks, weepers or irritation.

Day 2: Gillette New, Pacific Shaving Minipod, anonymous brush (appears to be a VDH or maybe a Surrey boar)

Today's shave was about the same as yesterday's. DFS right around the adam's apple, a bit closer than yesterday, but not q u i t e BBS. BBS everywhere else. No nicks, weepers or irritation.

Day 3: Gillette (triangular slots - pre-war?) Fat Handle...

Trying out Derby Extra with newly acquired razors

Trying out Derby Extra with newly acquired razors

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