I just came across and bought a tube of Sandalwood scented Cremo shaving cream. Now, I'm not fan of the original by any means, and hadn't tried the menthol version because of this. I'm also not one for boasting about or complementing shaving creams. But low and behold, the Sandalwood actually performed like a shaving cream should. I put about a almond in a shell size amount on my damp horse hair brush a created an awesome facd lather on a wet face. I had enough to complete 3 smooth, irritation, cut, and Nick free passes and might have had enough for 2 more. Did I mention that it smells like sandalwood? One that my nose can pick up, witch is fantastic news for me since it's hit or miss on whether or not I can smell sandalwood anything.
If you like using Cremo, or shaving creams in general, and like the smell of sandalwood, then look no further and get yourself some of this.
Sandalwood Cremo