Hi everyone. My name is Justin and I just got into wet shaving. Been enjoying my new Merkur HD 34C Razor with Feather blades and having great results shaving around my beard. As a luxury to myself I just picked up a new Georgetown Pottery G20 Scuttle in the Green Oribe Purple. It was a second so only cost me $46 shipped and man is this thing a beauty! Can't wait to heat it up tomorrow morning and give it a whirl as I remove my beard and start fresh. Will get photos up soon but I cannot tell that this thing is a second at all. Glaze and everything look as good if not better than anything else I have seen. Been lurking around for a few weeks now and learned a ton from everyone's posts. Looking forward to being part of the community!
Greetings and First DB Shave with a New Scuttle!