I had a small sample of CF Lavender that I got from Maggards not too long ago and finally wanted to see how this cream performed. I have to say the Lavender scent was excellent and to my nose smelled exactly like Mike's Hungarian Lavender which is a good thing. I used a healthy almond sized amount in my lather bowl and went to town. Maybe it's because I've used nothing but tallow based artisan soaps for the last few years but I found the lather to just be ok. Not bad by any means but no where near the slickness, density, post shave of a Mikes, Eufros premium tallow, or P&B. I'm happy I tried it though since now I know I can get the exact same scent with Mikes HL with the performance I like. I was a little bummed to be honest since it was something I wanted to try for a long while and it was a bit of a let down as compared to my normal rotation. Id give it a B with my other choices comping in at an A+
Castle Forbes sample.underwhelmed