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dimanche 5 février 2017

ATT SE1 vs fusion

So I have been at the DE, SE, SR shaving about a year and a half, during which I have never touched my old fusion razors. Had some time today and decided to do a side by side compare.
ATT SE1, feather pro, new blade
Gillette fusion, new cartridge
Soap, SV Cosmo
rudy vey 26mm shavemac knot
osma alum block
thayers cucumber
SV Cosmo balm

prepped both sides the same, after a warm shower. Loaded approx 30 seconds and then face lathered.
Fusion on right side, ATT on left.
three passes in WTG, XTG, ATG order.
Used similar strokes for each razor

as of right now, maybe 15 minutes post shave, no real feel difference. Some spots on both sides maybe not as close as others, but that would be in line with my normal shave outcome.
Weepers....zero fusion side. One pin point on ATT side.
alum....no unpleasant burn either side

i did alter my regimen to include an ATG pass, I normally do WTG, XTG, WTG.

handling the fusion felt very light in the hand, not much feedback, whereas the ATT I knew I was shaving, I heard it, and felt the razor working. Nice result both sides so far.
I'll be taking some feel tests throughout the day and also tomorrow to see how each side stacks up.

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ATT SE1 vs fusion

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