SO I have been gone from the site for a long time. Part of the reason is that I got fat and now sort of use a beard to hide my chubby dang face but the other reason is I lost my taste for collecting. It's just gotten ridiculous. There are way too many people buying razors, cleaning them up and selling them at high prices for my liking. I won't say I wasn't part of the problem at one time because I probably was. MY issue is that going to an antique store used to be a blast, you'd find a grungy DE in a box somewhere or on a shelf and pick it up for a good price and then you would take it home and make it beautiful again so it would look sweet in your collection, now it's difficult to find anything anywhere. What happened to the days where you could pick up a lot of razors on the bay and clean them up and find a nice gem hiding there. I miss that.
Lost my taste for it.