I have noticed that France does not seem to produce many shaving creams compared to other European countries and wondered if anyone knew of any besides the two below that are not canned gels, etc. Seems odd that they produce so few creams given the quality of most of their soaps.
From a few minutes of Google-fu, I can find only two, Pre de Provence and Durance l'Òme. PdP cream does not get the good comments that the soap does. The current version of Durance hard shaving soap is almost universally panned as the worst shaving soap ever made, but I did not realize they made a cream until it popped up on Amazon - for $30 a tube.
I'd almost be tempted to try lÒme since many manufacturer's creams are pretty good even if their hard soaps are mediocre (like the 3Ts), but $30 is a bit steep given the soap's reputation. Anyone ever try the Durance cream?
Cheers, Steve
French Shaving Creams?