Gents, while I realise we all need new hobbies like a hole in the head, the idea of the microcontroller boards and single board computers holds a particular interest for me.
As an electrician I work with quite a lot of varied equipment and controls. Some to include card access which in this case uses RS-485 for communication. I do the installation but programming is another matter. I am 'illiterate' in computer languages. Any of you who work anywhere near environmental control (HVAC) have almost certainly heard of Johnson Controls. They are the biggest kid on the block when it comes to industrial controls. If you think about it, they do on steroids what hobbyists do with Arduino. They have a fully developed though proprietary environment and language for their control systems.
So I start seeing videos and articles about Arduino boards and SBCs like Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone. It is a natural fit for DIY 'ers and Makers. Guys who like to do things with their hands but also like the smarter side of control functions and want the ability to network such devises.
So with that out of the way, how really do you go about learning to write the Arduino language? I have watched a number of videos about getting started but most take a position of some foreknowledge on the part of the learner about coding. Even if inadvertently so. I am getting close to a possibility of retirement from full time work and have a grandson who will be five years old and making bots and other projects would be a great way for both of us to learn.
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Anyone Here Into Arduino Or Single Board Computers?