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samedi 31 décembre 2016

Pondering a pipe question.

Im sitting here in the car listing to the radio (waiting for my wife ) and pondering a pipe related question. Why do some tobaccos burn down cleanly to a fine white ash and others seem to just turn to hard black chunks?

Is this from the type of tobacco? Casings or topping? Moisture level? How the tobacco is packed? Or maybe a combination of things? Im curious. I have some that burn wonderfully like the ribbon cut dunhill blends. Then some just don't burn down that great. Im guessing flakes are that way because of how they are pressed? Even finer ribbon cut light aromatics seem to burn down to hard chunks for me. Maybe packing too tightly and not enough oxygen for a clean complete burn?

It hasn't been a major problem. Just something I can't really answer for myself.


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Pondering a pipe question.

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