Perhaps it it just diminished sunlight but lately I've been a bit more reflective than usual about what technology has wrought over the past fifty years. On one hand I love many of the advantages of the internet (sites like B&B among them) but I think the collateral damage has been significant. The trend toward devices which have more bells & whistles (often of dubious value IMO) but that are designed to be tossed rather than repaired after increasingly shorter life cycles seems like a very questionable trade off. Mobile phones, while they have substantial virtues in some circumstances, also seem to be significant contributor to the decline in civility.
What do you love about the technological advances of the past thirty-five years and what annoys/irritates you?
I hope, perhaps naively, to keep this conversation on the micro/personal/local level rather than the macro/global which could all too easily turn fractious and political.
What we've gained and what we've lost