Ladies & Gents,
The traveling ink box is coming back! It's been hibernating in Canada for a little while now, but we have the go ahead to bring it back to the States. We'll keep the package from being shipped for at least a week to give the opportunity for members to signup. Please, read the rules carefully if you wish to participate.
To quote from @andrew98
Originally Posted by
If you're going to play, here are the Rules:
1) The person receiving the ink pays for shipping. (There may be an exception for the first participant)
2) Use a sturdy box for shipping.
3) Make sure you wrap each bottle of ink in cling film, then bubble wrap.
4) Send the box via UPS or FedEx.
5) If the box gets beat up in transit, replace it with one in better condition.
6) Keep the box of ink for no more than one week.
7) If you decide to keep a bottle or two, replace them with an equivalent number of bottles (or more) from your collection.
8) Make a post in this thread requesting an "I'm next" when you're ready to ship the box of ink.
9) Coordinate paypal payment and get the next person's address via private message (not in this thread).
9) Ship the box of ink promptly.
10) If we reach a stage where no one wants to be next, the person with the box of ink can do whatever they like with it (keep it all, PIF the ink, try to revive this thread at some point and keep it going, etc.).
11) I'd like to keep this within the continental US, since shipping outside that gets complicated and expensive.
Warning: Research all inks before you put them in your fancy pen! Some inks have a reputation for damaging pens. Play at your own risk, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Signups will go for about a week. Please, list your user name and your location. We'll figure out the logistics and send it to the closest participant. Please, refer to the past
Traveling Ink Box thread for an idea of how this is conducted.
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Traveling Ink Box (US) Part II