Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?Simon
What are your nicknames/aliases?Simpa
Where do you live?Northern Sweden
What is your age (or) generation?31
What are you in the real world?Psychologist
What is your favorite shave setup?Still finding out, new to the game. I have been using a trimmer for at least 10 years (keeping beard and head at 2mm constantly) and before that cartridges. I had my first couple of DE shaves this weekend. Right now, two days later, large parts of skin is falling of from my face due to optimism + poor technique. Loved it though!
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?I'm a musician and playing music will always be a large part of my Life. I'm also very into wildlife in general and forests in particular, and love to spend time outside.
What else should the members of B&B know about you?I really like internet forums and I am participating in several. One of the main reason for joining this forum in particular is a sparked interest for vintage straight razors. I have seen several nice looking here in Sweden, and I'm hoping to get some advice in this.
Also, despite beeing a psychologist working with psychological treatment, I am suffering from a severe case of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome, I have seen other names for it on this forum). I guess that will make me fit right in. Peace!
simpa's Entry to the Hall of Fame