New member here just wanted to check in. It all started from a Dorco Prime starter kit and has become an addiction. Can't say enough about Nick Shaves videos on and how much help they have given along with being a lurker on this forum. 3 DE razors later, 600 blades of all varieties ready to go, brushes, soaps....and I can honestly say in only 2 months I now have a real shave and a real technique I never had prior. Razor burn and irritation from Gillette, Schick, and several other brands made me hate shaving so I constantly wore a slight disheveled look (though I thought I wore it well). Reaching my 30's I felt this look was well beyond it's prime and it is no more. With that said my father has used a Gillette 3 piece for over 45 years. I am at a loss for never stopping long enough to realize some classic ideas are simply unbeatable. The DE shave is amazing and I actually look forward to it each morning.
This is a great forum and I hope to make contributions when/where I can.
New guy checking in