Gents, I've been searching for a brand new Vision for over a year, and found one 2 weeks ago on the "Bay" from a gentleman who had 2 in his possession and had listed one of them for sale. Just received it today. I literally almost fell down my stairs when I saw the package on the steps of my apartment. I ripped open the box....... And there she was (moment of silence). I just stared at this finely crafted behemoth of a razor. My eyes watered. I turned around, went to my bar, pulled out a glass, threw in 2 cubes and poured meself a Jamison. My girlfriend rolled her eyes at me, kissed me on the cheek and said " have fun baby, don't be late to bed". I slammed down my Jamison, and turned back to look at it some more.... My question to you all is, is this normal? Second, to those who have used this razor, any special care or techniques that may be used with this razor would be greatly appreciated........ I'm hyper ventilating..... Deep Breaths. I'm at the table and I can't stop giggling....
My Holy Grail of adjustable razors. Merkur Vision 2000. Got it!