I'm a middle school math teacher, and every year the 8th grade class goes to Washington DC at the end of June. We usually have fund raisers to help the students with the costs of the trip. This month we are having a Movember for the male staff. We all started with a photo of us clean shaven yesterday. Students will put change into the teacher's jar that they want to see with a mustache and then continue throughout the month whom they want to see continue with the mustache. Every week the top money jars will determine which one of us will be eliminated and which will continue to wear their mustaches.
I haven't worn a mustache since I was a teenager and it was more a dirt-stache than anything. Usually clean shaven or couple days of stubble. Not really a mustache expert, but I'm looking forward to the fun in growing one and the adventure with the students, so I'm going to play along.
Now I need to decide on a style of mustache to wear, any ideas???