Hello everyone!
My name is Matt Gray and yes, I'm a Wet Shaver.
I've been shaving since a teen, but when I came across this "lifestyle" about three years ago, I have really grown passionate about it just like everyone else is. I started thinking about what I could do to participate, and have over many months graduated from taking SOTD pics, to joining Badger and Blade and various groups on FB and starting a video blog as well.
Then I got the idea to start blogging about Wet Shaving as many people do. Blogging about it got me focused in a sense of how I was experiencing not only the products but the Wet Shaving Community as a whole. I became really obsessed with the life of a wet shaver and also how my wet shaving was affecting my own direction. I created a Twitter, Instagram and Facebook group & page.
I write topical articles, some reviews but mainly around my personal journey and opinion.
If you are interested in learning more about me or my blog, I invite you to hop over to wetshavingtimes.com.
Thanks so much, it is great to be part of the Badger & Blade Community. I hope to be involved in some great discussions here and pardon my ignorance if I don't know as much as you all, ok?
All the best,
Matt Gray
Bloomington-Normal, IL
Introduction: Matt Gray (mkgray69) of Wet Shaving Times