Hello all. I'm happy to have found this forum, there's lots of great info in these pages!
A couple of weeks ago I stopped by the drug store because I needed to buy some new cartridges. I realised it was a bit silly paying so much for those things and wondered what it would be like using a straight razor. I skipped the cartridges and bought some Proraso green soap and an Omega shaving brush. Some quick research showed me I'd be better off getting a DE safety razor to start with. I found a Canadian internet shop located close to me and placed an order last week.
My order arrived yesterday: An Edwin Jagger DE89L, a 50-pack blade sampler, and some Clubman Bay Rum Aftershave. I used a Derby blade for my first shave and it went "ok" but things were a little rough on my neck. I'm looking into buying some pre-shave stuff soon to see if that will help out (along with improving my technique). The aftershave was a hit with my wife and daughter.
I also take snuff and enjoy pipe smoking so I look forward to spending some time in The Brown Leaf. I've suffered some bouts of PAD and TAD in the past so I'm well prepared for the inevitable RAD!
Hello, glad I found this forum!