Here's a Citrus Aftershave blend I mixed up yesterday. Smells clean and fresh in the bottle and gained Mrs 805Steve's approval. Face feel yesterday was good. Today I'll wear it and judge scent longevity. Easy to mix up.
Base alcohol was Vodka
1 teaspoon unscented Witch Hazel
10 drops Glycerin
1 squeeze of Aloe Vera green jelly juice
14 drops of Orange EO
9 drops of Lime EO
6 drops of Bergamont EO
4 drops of Sage EO
4 drops of Cypress EO
4 drops of Lavender EO
3 drops of Vanilla EO
Follow your nose and adjust to your liking. The basic recipe would be Citrus EO of your choice (Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit) and Vanilla and I think you'd be pleased with the scent. Stepping up to Everclear from Vodka would give it more bite. I haven't played with menthol crystals but if I had some I would.
If you try this let us know what you think of it. If you tweak the recipe please post it up for others to learn from.
Shave and smell well.
DIY Citrus Aftershave blend