My 10 blade sampler pack arrived today. It was $5 and consists of one blade each: Astra SP, Astra SS, Feather, Derby Extra, Gillette Silver Blue, Gillette Nacet, Voskhod, Polsilver, Personna Platinum Chrome, and Gillette Rubie.
I haven't tried them yet although I have used Feathers and Astra SP before. I'll make a prediction as to what I'll like and the outcome before I've started. :) This is mainly just based on what others have posted and my point is that it's not as YMMV as it seems sometimes as I am making a prediction before I've used them. :)
I'll like the Gillette Silver Blue but it won't be different enough from the Astra SP for me to pay more for it. I might be tempted to get some Polsilver's when I might otherwise be looking for something like a Feather. The rest won't be distinguishable in any positive way from the Astra SP.
So, I'll either just keep buying 100 packs of Astra SP's or I might decide to get a pack of Polsilver's for variety.
I could be surprised however so if I am I'll report back after I've tried them all. If I'm wrong I'll have no problem admitting it. :)
10 blade sampler pack