So I walked over this little market near work the other day and in the "drugstore"-stand where they only sell new stuff (the entire market is new stuff, which is good since there's mostly vegetables) there was this box which happened to be a brand new Irish Moss shaving soap, including mug.
According to the box, this was produced by Ferd Mühlens in Cologne, they also made 4711. This company was renamed in 1990 to Mühlens GmbH. In1994 Wella took over Mühlens, and Wella were bought themselve by Proctor&Gamble in 2003.
P&G only wanted "Global Brands" so they got rid of "Local Brands" therefore in 2006 4711, SIM and one more, I think Tabac, went to Mäurer & Wirtz.
This all means that the soap, mug and packaging I show here were brought to market before 1990. This age is stressed again by the total absense of a barcode.
The outer packaging looks a bit battered. I think the proprietor of the marketstand has been taking this out and putting it back in a box for at least 26 years :)
NOS Irish Moss vintage soap find