Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?John Rose
What are your nicknames/aliases?"planish" on some other forums
Where do you live?Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
What is your age (or) generation?Boomer, a "Y2" model
What are you in the real world?Retired. Was an electronics tech with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
What is your favorite shave setup?Gillette fat-handle Pre-War Tech, or Gillette Ball-end Long-Comb New.
Simpsons Wee Scot, Semogue 620, or an APShaveCo Tuxedo synthetic in a Barbershop handle.
First Canadian Shave Co. "Barbershop Taper Fade" soap.
A hammered stainless steel bowl for lathering
Playing electric guitar, building and flying single-line kites, snowshoeing, Society for Creative Anachronism, a bit of community theatre, artisanal lawn-mowing.
What else should the members of B&B know about you?I used to shave with a Super Adjustable back in the '70s, then lost my mind and switched to electrics and disposables. I only just started DE shaving again last August (2016) after buying a Slim on eBay. I had to learn it all over again.
Fortunately, I can take my time shaving, being retired and all.
John Rose's Entry to the Hall of Fame