So I bought some old spice aftershave on fleabay last week. Some pretty old stuff from what research I've done. I need help from the older guys here.......
Now either the OLD - old spice smelled really different or they put something else in this bottle to make me think it was full and original.
Could it be that this stuff is just so old that or doesn't smell like it should any more?
It has a very feint smell of the old spice that I know. A lot less spice and more of an alcohol smell.
Tried some on and I'm getting more of a baby powder smell with a touch of spice.
I've never smelled the original so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.
What I do know is that this stuff doesn't smell hardly anything like the new stuff we can buy now.
Can someone please advise?
Help, think I might have been taken?