Hi Gentlemen,
wanted to show a habit of mine.
I like naturals and also don´t use others for my razors.
Recently I got a Böker Red Injuin (...love old Böker´s). It had a little chip, but over all in good condidition.
So I killed the edge on a coticule and uchigumori, don´t know how it´s called in english...
In german we say "ice skating"?
It took some time to get the chip out and the blade was blunt like a old butter knife afterwards.
The razor had some hone wear already but I was to lazy to tape it and always change tape.
I started honing on a nakayama kiita pre finisher with uchigumori hato slurry holding the stone in hand.
It took 1 hour or 1 and a 1/2, don´t know.
As the bevel were set I went to my new finisher, just for short time and stroped than.
I think it´s pretty simple this way and with the slury from the soft hato the kiita didn´t realy wear off much.
Hato not for a special reason, just because it´s softer than the kiita and I don´t have a tomo now.
For shure it´s a little effort, but for me it´s worth it, as I also stay in training.
Stoped honing for a year now, cause of moving flat and badly injured hand.
Recently started again and was pretty clumsy at first, but now it´s going better than before I think.
Stuborn man´s JNAT honing