CONUS/PAYPAL *Prices include shipping
Feather DX artist club: $100
This will come with the blades shown in the picture not sure how many are in there, around 10.
Ikon x3 slant oss handle: $35
This slant is too mild for me very nice hefty handle, if your into a mild razor this is it.
Ikon bulldog handle with highly used razorock jaws head and maggard v3 OC head: $30
This is an Ikon bulldog handle used once, its a great handle but I have a weber bulldog which is my preference. I threw in these heads they are used and abused but fully functional, would be great for travel heads.
100 Feather DE blades: $20
If you like a very sharp blade this is it.
Thanks for checking out these items I will respond as quickly as I can, I will be busy this week but I will ship next day after payment if not same day and will provide you the tracking number asap. Thanks again and take care B&B!
OZSeller WTS- Feather DX,Ikon x3 oss,Ikon bulldog handle,Feather DE blades