So... bought a shave cream at my local TJ Maxx the other day for the sole reason it came with a free Shavette (no recognizable brand - cheap generic piece.) After about 10 mos on DE, why not add something to my collection?
Of course, couldn't resist trying it.... although I'm a two-day shaver, I shaved yesterday and thought I'd give it a shot today. Found that I can break a Personna blade in half and loaded it. Summary:
1. Didn't do any practice runs.
2. Didn't watch as nearly as many instructional videos as I should have.
3. Didn't even know if I was holding it right.
4. Didn't get one nick or weeper.*
*5. Didn't finish, though. After going 3/4 of the way I chickened out and switched to my EJ DE89.
Still, I'm alive.
Don't know if I'd continue on a straight. But this thread should also be titled, "How to Start Respecting your DE a Heck of a Lot." After using the shavette, I think my DE technique (read "Pressure reduction") improved dramatically!
First time on a straight today.