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lundi 1 août 2016

Suction on finisher

Hi Folks,

New to the forum. I am a shower shaver and I keep my finishing stone in the shower to refresh when needed. I shave head and face and sometimes I will go a few laps on the stone to get it back to smooth shaving between head and face. (For the ecologists among us, I turn the shower on and off so I do my best not to waste water). But I find I get fewer nicks and do a better job without a mirror just relying on feel. Now to my point. When I go straight from shaving to the stone without stropping, I can get back to a good suction on the stone with just a few laps. I find it shaves well off my finisher although stropping provides some improvement. But, when I strop and shave and then go back to the stone, I can't get to suction without going back to slurry stones and some effort. Then I get back to suction, shave and go directly back to the stone and can get suction again very quickly. I have tried this on numerous razors and it is always the same. If I strop I have to go backwards to get the nice suction feel of a finished edge. I like the feel of fresh steel and have no problem shaving directly off the stone. But I also enjoy stropping. I have gone to great lengths to lighten up on the strop and keep it very tight to minimize edge rolling, but the result is always the same.

I realize that I don't need to get back to suction for it to continue shaving well, but it is very efficient to grab my stone in the shower and do a few circles and laps and my edge is back to shaving. I don't notice any wear on the razor as it is a fine finisher and not creating any slurry or swarf.

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Suction on finisher

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