Decided to try Rockwell after a few recommendations from some friends. Popped one in the Aristocrat and had one of the worst cases of burn in a very long time. Now I attributed that to not using the Crat for a while and not compensating for the additional weight over my others. However, pass 1 and 2 both had noticeable tugging along the way. No nick or cuts(that's a win) but man my face felt like it had been in a windstorm.
2nd shave: Similar results to the first shave, made certain to keep very very light handed but still received the same tugging and pulling. Decided to chalk it up as a dud blade and move on.
3rd shave: Popped a new one in and had identical results to my first shave. My face was still feeling it 2 days later, and have pretty much said that the combo of Rockwell and Aristocrat is not for me. I will give them their fair chance and switch them over to a different setup and see the results from there. Popped a new Astra SP in the Crat last night, close, smooth comfortable shave as always :)
Rockwell blades