عيد مبارك سعيد

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كل عام و انتم سعداء اتقياء
بقلوب بيضاء
و وجوه مشرقة مبتسمة
كل عام و انتم امنين مطمئنين
كل عام و الفرح يعم حياتكم و العافية تغلف اجسادكم
كل عام و انتم بخير
تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال
اللهم آمين

هنئ اصدقائك بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
قم بكتابة اسمك وقم بمشاركة الرسالة مع اصدقائك

dimanche 28 août 2016

My lucky number is 13 ( recently started with SR )

I've just recently started with SR after 5 years of SE with Feather Pro/Super using Cobra and lately Mongoose and ATT SE Bamboo.

My experience at first was very disappointing, while I managed without rivers of blood, severed limbs , deep-to-the-bone scars etc, I couldn't even get even DFS let alone BBS to which I've been accustomed using Feather SE.
On a positive side I managed not to cut/nick myself and even not to cause razor burns, despite that in my efforts to get BBS, I sometimes shave the same place 8-7 times ( counting regular 3 passes and touch-ups )

The reason I continued was mostly curiosity. Finally today I achieved decent uniform DFS , even under jawline which is the most tricky place for me since I need to do east to west horizontal strokes there because my hair grows from chin to ear.

That was my SR shave # 13, so from now on 13 is officially my lucky number. It's not BBS yet, of course but it's more then half way there.

I used vintage Torrey 6/8 razor which I got shave ready and I stropped using recently purchased SRD modular strop.
Thanks for ciderguy, riverdoug, doc47 and many others why answered my posts and gave me very useful advices and feedback.

This SR shaving is a contagious disease , which requires constant and very expensive treatments ( razors/strops purchases ) sadly not covered by my medical insurance. Bit, like other vices, once you got bitten it's hard to get "healthy" again.

I think I'll stick to it and will try to achieve BBS.

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My lucky number is 13 ( recently started with SR )

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