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dimanche 28 août 2016

head thickness

I always wondered why I had issues with the flare tip I have. bad rough shaves, lots of irritation. Today I got my notched milord, the flare tip, and my 46-47 aristocrat, and the 1953 Korean war Tech I have.

The flare tip is the thinnest head of all the TTOs, The milord is right in the middle, and the aristocrat is the thickest. However.... the Milord is ALMOST the same shave angle as my 1953 Tech, and is the same height overall when side by side.

and it seems that the fat boy and super adjustable I keep on setting 2, both have nearly the same shave angle/geometry as the milord and aristocrat.

does this mean I actually was "right" for 15-20 years in thinking I really needed a 1940s super speed?

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head thickness

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