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mardi 30 août 2016

1880ish. C Johnson Frame back Restore

Click image for larger version.  Name: CJohnson Razor.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 45.3 KB  ID: 684851

I just finished this. It's on the hones now
I sanded and polished the blade. Tossed the scales, except for one. I saved that one for a templet. Made the scales out of horn. This is my second attempt of horn scales. The first one turned in to a sacrifice. The length of the blade made it so I had to use the entire horn blank in order to fit the length of the scales. The wedge is white acrylic.
The restore was a good leaning process. a few errors here and there, but over all, its good.
I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. I am more impressed that I was the one who did it.

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1880ish. C Johnson Frame back Restore

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